List of 200+ Keyboard Commands for Mac [Guide]

Macbook keyboard

In today’s digital era, efficiency and productivity are paramount. As Mac users, we have a powerful tool at our fingertips that can streamline our workflows and make our computing experience seamless – keyboard commands. By harnessing the power of keyboard shortcuts, Mac users can navigate their systems, applications, and documents with lightning speed, saving valuable time and effort.

In this comprehensive guide, we will dive into a vast array of Mac keyboard commands, unraveling their functionalities and unlocking the potential they hold. Whether you’re a seasoned Mac user looking to enhance your skills or a newcomer eager to learn the ropes, this article will serve as your go-to resource for mastering essential keyboard commands.

We’ll explore a wide range of categories, including general commands for everyday tasks, navigation commands for efficient movement within documents and applications, text editing commands for precise manipulation of text, and specialized commands for various Mac-specific features and applications. Each command will be meticulously explained, empowering you to leverage the full potential of your Mac’s keyboard.

By incorporating these keyboard commands into your workflow, you can bid farewell to tedious mouse movements and menu navigation, and embrace the efficiency and fluidity that comes with mastering the art of Mac shortcuts. So, let’s dive in and unravel the secrets behind these powerful keyboard commands that can transform the way you interact with your Mac!

Remember, practice makes perfect, so take your time to familiarize yourself with these commands and incorporate them into your daily routine. Before long, you’ll find yourself effortlessly maneuvering through your Mac, accomplishing tasks in record time, and becoming a true Mac power user.

So, grab your keyboard and get ready to embark on a journey of Mac mastery. Let’s unlock the full potential of your Mac by harnessing the power of keyboard commands!

Happy exploring and happy computing!

List of keyboard commands for Mac

General Commands

Command + ASelects all items in a document or window.
Command + CCopies the selected item to the clipboard.
Command + VPastes the contents of the clipboard.
Command + XCuts the selected item and places it on the clipboard.
Command + ZUndoes the previous action.
Command + Shift + ZRedoes the previously undone action.
Command + SSaves the current document or file.
Command + PPrints the current document or file.
Command + FOpens a search box to find text within a document or web page.
Command + GFinds the next occurrence of the searched text.
Command + Shift + GFinds the previous occurrence of the searched text.
Command + TabSwitches between open applications or windows.
Command + `Switches between open windows within the current application.
Command + HHides the active application window.
Command + QQuits the active application.
Command + Option + EscOpens the Force Quit Applications window.
Command + SpaceOpens the Spotlight search bar.

Navigation Commands

Command + Left ArrowMoves the cursor to the beginning of the current line.
Command + Right ArrowMoves the cursor to the end of the current line.
Option + Left ArrowMoves the cursor to the beginning of the previous word.
Option + Right ArrowMoves the cursor to the end of the next word.
Command + Up ArrowScrolls up one page.
Command + Down ArrowScrolls down one page.
Control + AMoves the cursor to the beginning of the current document.
Control + EMoves the cursor to the end of the current document.
Control + LCenters the current line or selection in the visible area.
Command + HomeMoves the cursor to the beginning of the current document.
Command + EndMoves the cursor to the end of the current document.
Option + ScrollScrolls horizontally in the current document or web page.
Command + ScrollZooms in or out of the current document or web page.
Command + NumberSwitches to a specific tab in a web browser or application.

Text Editing Commands

Command + BBolds the selected text or toggles bold formatting.
Command + IItalicizes the selected text or toggles italic formatting.
Command + UUnderlines the selected text or toggles underline formatting.
Command + DDuplicates the selected item.
Command + Shift + DOpens the desktop folder.
Command + TOpens a new tab in a web browser or application.
Command + WCloses the active window or tab.
Command + NOpens a new window or document.
Command + OOpens a file or document.
Option + DeleteDeletes the word to the left of the cursor.
Control + KDeletes the text to the right of the cursor.
Control + HDeletes the character to the left of the cursor.
Control + DDeletes the character to the right of the cursor.
Control + TSwaps the character before the cursor with the one after.
Command + ]Increases the indent level of the selected text.
Command + [Decreases the indent level of the selected text.
Command + /Comments out the selected code or removes the comment.

File Management Commands

Command + Shift + NCreates a new folder in the Finder.
Command + Shift + DeleteEmpties the Trash without confirmation.
Command + Option + DeleteDeletes the selected item immediately without moving it to the Trash.
Command + DragMoves the dragged item to a different location.
Option + DragCreates an alias (shortcut) of the dragged item.
Command + Option + DragCreates a copy of the dragged item in the destination folder.
Command + Control + NCreates a new Smart Folder in the Finder.
Command + ,Opens the preferences settings for the current application.
Command + Shift + SSaves the current document with a different name or location.
Command + Option + SSaves all open documents in the current application.
Command + Shift + PPrints the current document using the default settings.
Command + Shift + FEnters or exits full-screen mode in supported applications.

Screenshot and Display Commands

Command + Shift + 3Takes a screenshot of the entire screen and saves it as a file on desktop.
Command + Shift + 4Allows you to select a portion of the screen to capture as a screenshot.
Command + Shift + 4 + SpaceCaptures a screenshot of a specific window or menu.
Command + Option + DShows or hides the Dock.
Command + Control + FEnters or exits full-screen mode in supported applications.
Control + Command + QLocks the screen, requiring a password to unlock.
Command + Option + Control + EjectQuits all applications and restarts the Mac.
Command + Control + PowerPuts the Mac to sleep.
Control + Shift + PowerPuts the display to sleep.
Command + Option + Control + PowerShuts down the Mac immediately.

Finder and System Commands

Command + SpaceOpens or closes Spotlight search.
Option + Command + SpaceOpens the “Show Emoji & Symbols” window.
Command + Shift + UOpens the Utilities folder.
Command + Shift + HOpens the Home folder.
Command + Shift + AOpens the Applications folder.
Command + Shift + OOpens the Documents folder.
Command + Shift + DOpens the Desktop folder.
Command + Shift + COpens the Computer folder.
Command + Shift + IOpens iCloud Drive.
Option + Command + DShows or hides the Dock.
Option + Command + LShows or hides the Downloads folder.
Control + Option + Command + EjectQuits all applications and shuts down the Mac.

Text Formatting and Editing Commands

Command + Shift + 6Adds a degree symbol (°) to the text.
Option + Shift + 1Adds a superscript (¹) to the selected text.
Option + Shift + 2Adds a subscript (₂) to the selected text.
Option + Shift + 5Adds a currency symbol (€, £, ¥, etc.) to the text.
Option + Shift + 7Adds a bullet point (•) to the text.
Option + Command + TShows or hides the font panel.
Option + Command + CCopies the style of the selected text.
Option + Command + VApplies the copied style to the selected text.
Control + Command + SpaceOpens the Character Viewer to insert special characters.
Control + Option + Command + TShows or hides the “Typography” panel in supported applications.
Control + Option + Command + BDisplays the “Show Colors” panel.
Control + Option + Command + CDisplays the “Show Colors” panel as a continuous strip.
Control + Option + Command + TShows or hides the “Fonts” panel in supported applications.
Control + Option + Command + SShows or hides the “Styles” panel in supported applications.

Browser and Webpage Commands

Command + Option + IOpens the Developer Tools in the browser.
Command + Option + JOpens the JavaScript Console in the browser.
Command + Shift + LOpens the Downloads page in the browser.
Command + Option + CCopies the URL of the selected link or image in the browser.
Command + Option + VPastes and opens the URL from the clipboard in the browser.
Command + Option + RReloads the current webpage without using the cache.
Command + Option + LHighlights the URL in the address bar of the browser.
Command + Option + FEnters or exits full-screen mode in the browser.
Command + Option + ]Moves forward through the browser’s history.
Command + Option + [Moves backward through the browser’s history.
Command + Option + WCloses the current browser tab.
Command + Option + TOpens a new browser tab.
Command + Option + NOpens a new browser window.
Command + Option + POpens the Print dialog box in the browser.

Text Navigation and Manipulation Commands

Option + Right ArrowMoves the cursor to the end of the current word.
Option + Left ArrowMoves the cursor to the beginning of the current word.
Option + Shift + Right ArrowSelects the next word.
Option + Shift + Left ArrowSelects the previous word.
Command + Shift + Up ArrowSelects text from the current cursor position to the beginning of the document.
Command + Shift + Down ArrowSelects text from the current cursor position to the end of the document.
Option + DeleteDeletes the word to the right of the cursor.
Control + Option + DDisplays the definition of the selected word.
Control + Option + Command + WLook up the selected word in the dictionary.
Control + Option + Command + YDisplays a quick look preview of the selected file or item.
Control + Option + Command + SpaceOpens the Thesaurus panel for the selected word.
Control + Option + Command + LShows or hides the word count panel in supported applications.

System Commands

Command + Option + Control + FEnters or exits full-screen mode for the active application.
Command + Option + Control + TShows or hides the toolbar in the active application.
Command + Option + Control + DShows or hides the Dock.
Command + Control + QLocks the screen, requiring a password to unlock.
Command + Control + PowerPuts the Mac to sleep.
Command + Control + Media EjectQuits all applications and restarts the Mac.
Control + Option + Command + PowerRestarts the Mac immediately.
Control + Option + Command + Media EjectShuts down the Mac immediately.
Control + Shift + PowerPuts the display to sleep.
Control + Option + PowerDisplays a dialog to choose between restarting, sleeping, or shutting down the Mac.
Control + Option + Command + SpaceShows or hides the “Character Viewer” window.
Control + Option + Command + 8Inverts the colors of the screen.
Control + Option + Command + 3Takes a screenshot of the entire screen and saves it to the clipboard.
Control + Option + Command + 4Takes a screenshot of a selected portion of the screen and saves it to the clipboard.
Control + Option + Command + 5Opens the screenshot and screen recording toolbar.

Spotlight Commands

Command + SpaceOpens or closes Spotlight search.
Command + Option + SpaceOpens the Spotlight window in Finder.
Command + BShows or hides the Spotlight menu bar icon.
Command + Option + BShows or hides the battery percentage in the menu bar.
Command + Option + DShows or hides the Date & Time in the menu bar.
Command + Option + Control + DShows or hides the Dictionary panel.
Command + Option + FShows or hides the Finder toolbar.
Command + Option + GShows or hides the path bar in Finder.
Command + Option + HShows or hides the hidden files in Finder.
Command + Option + LShows or hides the Library folder in Finder.
Command + Option + MShows or hides the minimized windows in the Dock.
Command + Option + SShows or hides the sidebar in Finder.
Command + Option + TShows or hides the tab bar in Finder.
Command + Option + VShows or hides the view options in Finder.
Command + Option + WShows or hides the toolbar in Finder.
Command + Option + Period (.)Shows or hides hidden files in the Open/Save dialog boxes.

Screen Zoom Commands

Option + Command + =Zooms in, enlarging the screen content.
Option + Command + –Zooms out, reducing the screen content.
Option + Command + 8Toggles on/off the screen zoom feature.
Control + Option + Command + 8Inverts the colors of the screen zoom.
Control + Option + Command + 5Shows or hides the zoom options in the Accessibility preferences.
Control + Option + Command + –Zooms out temporarily while the keys are held down.
Control + Option + Command + =Zooms in temporarily while the keys are held down.
Control + Option + Command + Shift + –Adjusts the window size while zoomed in.
Control + Option + Command + Shift + =Adjusts the window size while zoomed in.

Accessibility Commands

Command + Option + F5Opens the Accessibility Options dialog.
Control + Option + Command + F5Toggles the Accessibility Shortcut on/off.
Command + Option + Control + STurns on/off the Screen Reader.
Command + Option + Control + FToggles the Invert Colors feature.
Command + Option + Control + TToggles the VoiceOver feature on/off.
Command + Option + Control + UToggles the Zoom feature on/off.
Command + Option + Control + LToggles the Switch Control feature on/off.
Command + Option + Control + Option + Right ArrowMoves the focus to the next grouping in the Accessibility Options dialog.
Command + Option + Control + Option + Left ArrowMoves the focus to the previous grouping in the Accessibility Options dialog.
Command + Option + Control + Option + Down ArrowOpens the selected grouping in the Accessibility Options dialog.
Command + Option + Control + Option + Up ArrowCloses the selected grouping in the Accessibility Options dialog.
Command + Option + Control + Option + SpacePerforms the default action for the selected option in the Accessibility Options dialog.

Audio Commands

Option + Shift + Volume UpIncreases the volume in smaller increments.
Option + Shift + Volume DownDecreases the volume in smaller increments.
Option + Shift + MuteMutes or unmutes the volume.
Option + Shift + F10Decreases the volume using the F10 key on the keyboard.
Option + Shift + F11Mutes or unmutes the volume using the F11 key on the keyboard.
Option + Shift + F12Increases the volume using the F12 key on the keyboard.
Option + Shift + F10/F11/F12Adjusts the volume using the F10/F11/F12 keys on the keyboard.
Option + Shift + Option + F10/F11/F12Adjusts the volume in smaller increments using the F10/F11/F12 keys on the keyboard.
Option + Shift + Option + MuteToggles the volume mute state.
Option + Shift + Option + Control + F10/F11/F12Adjusts the volume in larger increments using the F10/F11/F12 keys on the keyboard.
Option + Shift + Option + Control + MuteToggles the volume mute state for all output devices.

Mission Control Commands

Control + Up ArrowActivates Mission Control.
Control + Down ArrowActivates the Application Windows view.
Control + Left ArrowActivates the Desktop view.
Control + Right ArrowActivates the Dashboard.
Control + Option + Up ArrowActivates the Space Switcher.
Control + Option + Down ArrowShows all windows of the selected application in Mission Control.
Control + Option + Left ArrowMoves to the left-most space in Mission Control.
Control + Option + Right ArrowMoves to the right-most space in Mission Control.
Control + Option + Shift + Left ArrowMoves the current window to the previous space.
Control + Option + Shift + Right ArrowMoves the current window to the next space.
Control + Option + Shift + Up ArrowActivates the Mission Control preferences.
Control + Option + Shift + Down ArrowHides all windows of the selected application in Mission Control.
Control + Option + Shift + CCopies the selected text as a quote in Mission Control.
Control + Option + Shift + VPastes the copied text as a quote in Mission Control.

Screenshot and Recording Commands

Command + Shift + 5Opens the screenshot and screen recording toolbar.
Control + Command + Shift + 3Takes a screenshot of the entire screen and saves it as a file.
Control + Command + Shift + 4Takes a screenshot of a selected portion of the screen and saves it as a file.
Control + Command + Shift + 4 + SpaceTakes a screenshot of a specific window or menu and saves it as a file.
Control + Command + Shift + 6Records the screen.
Control + Command + Shift + 6 + SpaceRecords a specific portion of the screen.
Control + Command + Shift + 6 + OptionRecords the screen with the camera on.
Control + Command + Shift + 6 + Option + SpaceRecords a specific portion of the screen with the camera on.
Control + Command + Shift + 6 + Option + ControlRecords the screen with the microphone on.
Control + Command + Shift + 6 + Option + Control + SpaceRecords a specific portion of the screen with the microphone on.
Control + Command + Shift + 6 + Option + Control + CommandRecords the screen with both the camera and microphone on.
Control + Command + Shift + 6 + Option + Control + Command + SpaceRecords a specific portion of the screen with both the camera and microphone on.

Preview Commands

Command + NOpens a new window in Preview.
Command + OOpens a file in Preview.
Command + SSaves the current document in Preview.
Command + PPrints the current document in Preview.
Command + WCloses the current window in Preview.
Command + ZUndoes the previous action in Preview.
Command + Shift + ZRedoes the previously undone action in Preview.
Command + FActivates the search bar in Preview.
Command + GFinds the next occurrence of the searched text in Preview.
Command + Shift + GFinds the previous occurrence of the searched text in Preview.
Command + BActivates the annotation toolbar in Preview.
Command + IShows the Inspector pane in Preview.
Command + TActivates the thumbnail sidebar in Preview.
Command + RRotates the current page clockwise in Preview.
Command + Shift + RRotates the current page counterclockwise in Preview.
Command + =Zooms in on the document in Preview.
Command + –Zooms out of the document in Preview.

Calculator Commands

Command + SpaceOpens or closes Spotlight search.
Type the calculationPerforms a mathematical calculation using Spotlight.
EnterDisplays the result of the calculation in Spotlight.
EscapeClears the calculation in Spotlight.
Command + CCopies the result of the calculation in Spotlight.
Command + Shift + CCopies the full calculation in Spotlight.
Command + LClears the Spotlight search bar.

TextEdit Commands

Command + NOpens a new document in TextEdit.
Command + OOpens an existing document in TextEdit.
Command + SSaves the current document in TextEdit.
Command + PPrints the current document in TextEdit.
Command + WCloses the current document in TextEdit.
Command + ZUndoes the previous action in TextEdit.
Command + Shift + ZRedoes the previously undone action in TextEdit.
Command + XCuts the selected text in TextEdit.
Command + CCopies the selected text in TextEdit.
Command + VPastes the copied or cut text in TextEdit.
Command + ASelects all text in TextEdit.
Command + FActivates the find bar in TextEdit.
Command + GFinds the next occurrence of the searched text in TextEdit.
Command + Shift + GFinds the previous occurrence of the searched text in TextEdit.
Command + BApplies bold formatting to the selected text in TextEdit.
Command + IApplies italic formatting to the selected text in TextEdit.
Command + UApplies underline formatting to the selected text in TextEdit.
Command + ]Increases the indent level of the selected text in TextEdit.
Command + [Decreases the indent level of the selected text in TextEdit.

Mail Commands

Command + NComposes a new email in Mail.
Command + Shift + NCreates a new email in a separate window in Mail.
Command + RReplies to the selected email in Mail.
Command + Shift + RReplies to the selected email in a separate window in Mail.
Command + LFocuses the search field in Mail.
Command + KActivates or deactivates Check Spelling in Mail.
Command + TAdds the selected email address to the contacts in Mail.
Command + Shift + TShows or hides the message thread in Mail.
Command + Shift + UMarks the selected email as unread in Mail.
Command + Shift + FForwards the selected email in Mail.
Command + Shift + JRedirects the selected email in Mail.
Command + Shift + NMoves the selected email to a new mailbox in Mail.
Command + Shift + MMoves the selected email to a specific mailbox in Mail.
Command + Shift + DMoves the selected email to the Drafts mailbox in Mail.
Command + Option + NChecks for new mail in all accounts in Mail.
Command + Option + IShows or hides the activity viewer in Mail.
Command + Option + SSends the selected email in Mail.
Command + Option + RReplies to the selected email and all its recipients in Mail.
Command + Option + LShows or hides the mailbox list in Mail.

Calendar Commands

Command + NCreates a new event in Calendar.
Command + Shift + NCreates a new event in a separate window in Calendar.
Command + EEdits the selected event in Calendar.
Command + IShows or hides the info pane in Calendar.
Command + Shift + FShows or hides the mini calendar in Calendar.
Command + TCreates a new to-do item in Calendar.
Command + Shift + TShows or hides the to-do list in Calendar.
Command + SSaves the current event or changes in Calendar.
Command + DeleteDeletes the selected event or to-do item in Calendar.
Command + Shift + DDuplicates the selected event or to-do item in Calendar.
Command + Option + NShows or hides the notifications in Calendar.
Command + Option + TShows or hides the time zone menu in Calendar.
Command + Option + CShows or hides the conference call controls in Calendar.
Command + Option + SShows or hides the event invitation status in Calendar.
Command + Option + IShows or hides the event inspector in Calendar.
Command + Option + LShows or hides the calendar list in Calendar.
Command + Option + PShows or hides the print dialog in Calendar.
Command + Option + RShows or hides the recurring event editor in Calendar.
By Brandon S. Lee

Hi, My name Brandon S.Lee and I am a professional Gamer, I also worked with the keyboard making company called Logitech. I was the quality check manager of the Logitech keyboard department. Here we have a team of people who researched on the keyboards, talked with keyboard users and analyzes the user reviews and then write the product reviews.

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