List of all Keyboard Shortcuts [300 Keyboard Shortcuts]


In today’s fast-paced digital world, efficiency and productivity are paramount. Whether you’re a student, professional, or casual computer user, mastering keyboard shortcuts can be a game-changer. These powerful combinations of key presses offer a faster, more streamlined way to navigate through software applications, edit text, perform actions, and unleash a plethora of time-saving tricks.

Imagine effortlessly zipping through tasks, effortlessly switching between windows, formatting text with a flick of the wrist, and executing complex commands in a fraction of the time it takes to navigate through menus. Keyboard shortcuts are the secret weapon of tech-savvy individuals who seek to optimize their workflow and achieve more in less time.

With just a few keystrokes, you can open programs, save files, undo mistakes, copy and paste, switch tabs, and perform countless other actions that would otherwise require multiple clicks and mouse movements. By reducing reliance on the mouse and minimizing unnecessary movements, keyboard shortcuts empower users to work more efficiently, enhance their multitasking abilities, and maintain a seamless focus on their tasks.

Beyond the practical advantages, keyboard shortcuts provide a sense of mastery and control over your digital environment. It’s a testament to your expertise and familiarity with the software you use daily. The satisfaction that comes from effortlessly navigating through complex tasks and swiftly accomplishing your goals is truly empowering.

In this article, we will delve into a comprehensive collection of keyboard shortcuts spanning various operating systems and popular software applications. We will explore shortcuts for text editing, file management, web browsing, productivity suites, and more. Whether you’re a Windows enthusiast, a macOS aficionado, or a Linux devotee, we’ve got you covered.

So, grab your keyboard and get ready to level up your efficiency. Let’s unlock the full potential of your software tools by harnessing the power of keyboard shortcuts. Prepare to embark on a journey that will transform the way you interact with your computer, streamline your workflow, and pave the way for productivity breakthroughs.

Get ready to discover a world where a few strokes can save you minutes, where precision and speed unite, and where mastery of the keyboard unlocks a universe of possibilities. It’s time to embrace the art of keyboard shortcuts and elevate your digital prowess to new heights.

List of keyboard shortcuts

General Shortcuts

Ctrl + CCopy the selected item
Ctrl + XCut the selected item
Ctrl + VPaste the copied or cut item
Ctrl + ZUndo the previous action
Ctrl + YRedo the previously undone action
Ctrl + SSave the current file or document
Ctrl + PPrint the current page or document
Ctrl + ASelect all items or text in the current window
Ctrl + FFind and search for text or items

File and Document Shortcuts

Ctrl + NCreate a new file or document
Ctrl + OOpen an existing file or document
Ctrl + WClose the current window or tab
Ctrl + Shift + SSave the current file with a new name or in a different location
Ctrl + Alt + SSave all open files or documents
Ctrl + PPrint the current page or document
Ctrl + Shift + PPrint preview the current page or document

Text Formatting Shortcuts

Ctrl + BBold the selected text
Ctrl + IItalicize the selected text
Ctrl + UUnderline the selected text
Ctrl + LAlign the selected text to the left
Ctrl + RAlign the selected text to the right
Ctrl + EAlign the selected text to the center
Ctrl + Shift + >Increase the font size
Ctrl + Shift + <Decrease the font size

Web Browsing Shortcuts

Ctrl + TOpen a new browser tab
Ctrl + Shift + TReopen the last closed tab
Ctrl + TabSwitch to the next open tab
Ctrl + Shift + TabSwitch to the previous open tab
Ctrl + LSelect the address bar to type a new URL
Ctrl + F5Refresh the current page, ignoring cached content
Ctrl + DBookmark the current page

Text Editing Shortcuts

Ctrl + HomeMove the cursor to the beginning of the document
Ctrl + EndMove the cursor to the end of the document
Ctrl + Left ArrowMove the cursor to the beginning of the previous word
Ctrl + Right ArrowMove the cursor to the beginning of the next word
Ctrl + BackspaceDelete the previous word
Ctrl + DeleteDelete the next word
Ctrl + Shift + ArrowSelect text in the direction of the arrow
Ctrl + F4Close the current tab or document
Ctrl + Shift + NCreate a new folder
Ctrl + Shift + EscOpen Task Manager (Windows)
Ctrl + Alt + DeleteAccess system options (Windows)
Ctrl + Shift + VPaste as plain text (removes formatting)
Ctrl + Shift + CCopy the formatting of selected text
Ctrl + Shift + FChange the font of selected text
Ctrl + Shift + LCreate a bulleted list
Ctrl + Shift + NCreate a numbered list
Ctrl + Shift + OSort selected lines alphabetically
Ctrl + Shift + POpen the Presentation mode in a program
Ctrl + Shift + QLog out of the current user account (Windows)
Ctrl + Shift + RReply to an email
Ctrl + Shift + SSave a webpage (in web browsers)
Ctrl + Shift + TOpen a recently closed tab
Ctrl + Shift + UChange the selected text to uppercase
Ctrl + Shift + VPaste special (varies by application)
Ctrl + Shift + WClose the current window (in web browsers)
Ctrl + Shift + XCut the selected text to the clipboard
Ctrl + Shift + ZRedo the previous action
Ctrl + Alt + FOpen the File menu in a program
Ctrl + Alt + LLock the screen (Windows)
Ctrl + Alt + MMinimize all windows
Ctrl + Alt + RRecord a macro (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + TabSwitch between open applications
Ctrl + Alt + DelAccess the security options (Windows)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + SSave a screenshot of the current window (macOS)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + EscOpen Task Manager (macOS)
Ctrl + Alt + BackspaceDelete the word to the left of the cursor
Ctrl + Alt + ArrowSwitch between virtual desktops (Windows)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + ArrowMove the current window to a different screen (Windows)
Ctrl + Windows key + DCreate a new virtual desktop (Windows)
Ctrl + Windows key + Left/Right ArrowSwitch between virtual desktops (Windows)
Ctrl + Windows key + Up ArrowMaximize the current window (Windows)
Ctrl + Windows key + Down ArrowMinimize the current window (Windows)
Ctrl + Windows key + FSearch for files and folders (Windows)
Ctrl + Windows key + LLock the computer (Windows)
Ctrl + Windows key + MMinimize all windows (Windows)
Ctrl + Windows key + ROpen the Run dialog box (Windows)
Ctrl + Windows key + SSearch the web (Windows)
Ctrl + Windows key + XOpen the Quick Link menu (Windows)
Ctrl + Windows key + Print ScreenTake a screenshot and save it to the Screenshots folder (Windows)
Ctrl + Shift + TabCycle through open tabs or windows in reverse order
Ctrl + Shift + 1 to 9Switch to a specific tab in some applications
Ctrl + Alt + F4Close the current application forcefully
Ctrl + Alt + TabSwitch between open windows or applications
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + TReopen the last closed tab (in web browsers)
Ctrl + Alt + 1 to 9Jump to a specific tab in some applications
Ctrl + Alt + Left/Right ArrowMove back or forward in browsing history (in web browsers)
Ctrl + Alt + HomeOpen the homepage (in web browsers)
Ctrl + Alt + EndClose the current virtual desktop (Windows)
Ctrl + Alt + +Zoom in (in web browsers and some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + –Zoom out (in web browsers and some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + 0Reset zoom level to default (in web browsers and some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + F1Open the Help menu in some applications
Ctrl + Alt + F2Rename a selected item
Ctrl + Alt + F4Close the active document window (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + F5Restore the active window size (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + F6Move to the next window (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + F10Maximize the active window (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + F11Open the Visual Basic Editor (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Alt + F12Open the Save As dialog box (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 1 to 9Switch to a specific workspace (Linux)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + FFull-screen mode (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + PPrint the current document (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + QQuit the current application (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + SOpen the Styles panel (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + VPaste without formatting (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + ZZoom to fit the window (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + EscOpen the Task Manager (Linux)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + DelRestart the computer (Windows)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + HomeSelect all text from the cursor position to the beginning of the document
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + EndSelect all text from the cursor position to the end of the document
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + ArrowSelect text from the cursor position to the specified direction
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Page UpExtend the selection up one screen
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Page DownExtend the selection down one screen
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + HomeExtend the selection to the beginning of the document
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + EndExtend the selection to the end of the document
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + AOpen the Accessibility options menu (Windows)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + BOpen the Bookmarks menu (in web browsers)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + CCopy the path of a selected item
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + DDuplicate the current selection
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + EExport the current document (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + FOpen the File menu (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + GOpen the Go menu (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + HGo to the Home screen (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + IOpen the Inspect element tool (in web browsers)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + JOpen the JavaScript console (in web browsers)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + KOpen the Developer Tools (in web browsers)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + NCreate a new document (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + OOpen a document (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + POpen the Preferences or Options menu (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + QQuit the current application (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + ROpen the Recent Files menu (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + SOpen the Settings menu (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + TOpen a new tab (in web browsers)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + UOpen the Utilities menu (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + VPaste as plain text (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + WClose the current tab (in web browsers)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + XCut the current selection
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + YRedo the previous action
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + ZUndo the previous action
Ctrl + Shift + TabSwitch between open tabs or windows in reverse order
Ctrl + Shift + 1 to 9Switch to a specific tab in some applications
Ctrl + Alt + F4Close the current application forcefully
Ctrl + Alt + TabSwitch between open windows or applications
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + TReopen the last closed tab (in web browsers)
Ctrl + Alt + 1 to 9Jump to a specific tab in some applications
Ctrl + Alt + Left/Right ArrowMove back or forward in browsing history (in web browsers)
Ctrl + Alt + HomeOpen the homepage (in web browsers)
Ctrl + Alt + EndClose the current virtual desktop (Windows)
Ctrl + Alt + +Zoom in (in web browsers and some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + –Zoom out (in web browsers and some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + 0Reset zoom level to default (in web browsers and some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + F1Open the Help menu in some applications
Ctrl + Alt + F2Rename a selected item
Ctrl + Alt + F4Close the active document window (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + F5Restore the active window size (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + F6Move to the next window (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + F10Maximize the active window (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + F11Open the Visual Basic Editor (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Alt + F12Open the Save As dialog box (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 1 to 9Switch to a specific workspace (Linux)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + FFull-screen mode (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + PPrint the current document (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + QQuit the current application (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + SOpen the Styles panel (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + VPaste without formatting (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + ZZoom to fit the window (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + EscOpen the Task Manager (Linux)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + DelRestart the computer (Windows)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + HomeSelect all text from the cursor position to the beginning of the document
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + EndSelect all text from the cursor position to the end of the document
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + ArrowSelect text from the cursor position to the specified direction
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Page UpExtend the selection up one screen
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Page DownExtend the selection down one screen
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + HomeExtend the selection to the beginning of the document
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + EndExtend the selection to the end of the document
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + AOpen the Accessibility options menu (Windows)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + BOpen the Bookmarks menu (in web browsers)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + CCopy the path of a selected item
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + DDuplicate the current selection
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + EExport the current document (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + FOpen the File menu (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + GOpen the Go menu (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + HGo to the Home screen (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + IOpen the Inspect element tool (in web browsers)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + JOpen the JavaScript console (in web browsers)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + KOpen the Developer Tools (in web browsers)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + NCreate a new document (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + OOpen a document (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + POpen the Preferences or Options menu (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + QQuit the current application (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + ROpen the Recent Files menu (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + SOpen the Settings menu (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + TOpen a new tab (in web browsers)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + UOpen the Utilities menu (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + VPaste as plain text (in some applications)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + WClose the current tab (in web browsers)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + XCut the current selection
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + YRedo the previous action
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + ZUndo the previous action
Ctrl + Shift + .Rotate screen orientation (Windows)
Ctrl + Shift + ,Decrease screen orientation (Windows)
Ctrl + Shift + /Enable or disable the on-screen keyboard (Windows)
Ctrl + Shift + EscOpen Task Manager (Windows)
Ctrl + Shift + F4Close the current virtual desktop (Windows)
Ctrl + Shift + F5Refresh the current page (in web browsers)
Ctrl + Shift + F6Switch to the previous window (in some applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F9Send and receive email (in some applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F10Display a context menu (in some applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F11Lock the field (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F12Open the Print dialog box (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F1Display the shortcut menu (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F2Save the current document (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F3Paste the contents of the Clipboard (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F4Close the current document (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F5Update the fields in a document (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F6Switch to the next window (in some applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F7Update linked information (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F8Extend the selection to a specific location (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F9Unlink a field (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F10Display the context menu (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F11Unlock a field (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F12Print the current document (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F1Display or hide the Ribbon (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F2Print Preview the current document (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F3Change the case of letters in a selection (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F4Repeat a Find or Go To action (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F5Edit a bookmark (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F6Go to the previous pane or frame (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F7Open the thesaurus (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F8Extend a selection or block (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F9Unlink a field (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F10Display a shortcut menu (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F11Unlock a field (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F12Print the current document (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F1Display or hide the Ribbon (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F2Print Preview the current document (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F3Change the case of letters in a selection (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F4Repeat a Find or Go To action (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F5Edit a bookmark (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F6Go to the previous pane or frame (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F7Open the thesaurus (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F8Extend a selection or block (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F9Unlink a field (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F10Display a shortcut menu (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F11Lock a field (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F12Save the current document (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F1Display the Reveal Formatting task pane (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F2Switch to Print Preview (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F3Insert the contents of the Spike (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F4Find the next match (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F5Restore the window size (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F6Go to the next pane or frame (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F7Move text or graphics (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F8Reduce the selection or remove a block (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F9Update the linked information (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F10Display a shortcut menu (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F11Unlock a field (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F12Print the current document (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F1Display or hide the Ribbon (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F2Print Preview the current document (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F3Change the case of letters in a selection (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F4Repeat a Find or Go To action (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F5Edit a bookmark (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F6Go to the previous pane or frame (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F7Open the thesaurus (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F8Extend a selection or block (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F9Unlink a field (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F10Display a shortcut menu (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F11Lock a field (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F12Save the current document (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F1Display the Reveal Formatting task pane (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F2Switch to Print Preview (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F3Insert the contents of the Spike (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F4Find the next match (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F5Restore the window size (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F6Go to the next pane or frame (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F7Move text or graphics (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F8Reduce the selection or remove a block (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F9Update the linked information (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F10Display a shortcut menu (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F11Unlock a field (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F12Print the current document (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F1Display or hide the Ribbon (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F2Print Preview the current document (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F3Change the case of letters in a selection (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F4Repeat a Find or Go To action (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F5Edit a bookmark (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F6Go to the previous pane or frame (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F7Open the thesaurus (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F8Extend a selection or block (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F9Unlink a field (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F10Display a shortcut menu (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F11Lock a field (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F12Save the current document (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F1Display the Reveal Formatting task pane (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F2Switch to Print Preview (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F3Insert the contents of the Spike (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F4Find the next match (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F5Restore the window size (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F6Go to the next pane or frame (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F7Move text or graphics (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F8Reduce the selection or remove a block (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F9Update the linked information (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F10Display a shortcut menu (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F11Unlock a field (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F12Print the current document (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F1Display or hide the Ribbon (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F2Print Preview the current document (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F3Change the case of letters in a selection (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F4Repeat a Find or Go To action (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F5Edit a bookmark (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F6Go to the previous pane or frame (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F7Open the thesaurus (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F8Extend a selection or block (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F9Unlink a field (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F10Display a shortcut menu (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F11Unlock a field (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F12Print the current document (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F1Display or hide the Ribbon (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F2Print Preview the current document (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F3Change the case of letters in a selection (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F4Repeat a Find or Go To action (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F5Edit a bookmark (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F6Go to the previous pane or frame (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F7Open the thesaurus (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F8Extend a selection or block (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F9Unlink a field (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F10Display a shortcut menu (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F11Lock a field (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F12Save the current document (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F1Display the Reveal Formatting task pane (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F2Switch to Print Preview (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F3Insert the contents of the Spike (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F4Find the next match (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F5Restore the window size (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F6Go to the next pane or frame (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F7Move text or graphics (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F8Reduce the selection or remove a block (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F9Update the linked information (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F10Display a shortcut menu (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F11Unlock a field (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F12Print the current document (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F1Display or hide the Ribbon (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F2Print Preview the current document (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F3Change the case of letters in a selection (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F4Repeat a Find or Go To action (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F5Edit a bookmark (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F6Go to the previous pane or frame (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F7Open the thesaurus (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F8Extend a selection or block (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F9Unlink a field (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F10Display a shortcut menu (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F11Lock a field (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F12Save the current document (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F1Display the Reveal Formatting task pane (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F2Switch to Print Preview (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F3Insert the contents of the Spike (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F4Find the next match (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F5Restore the window size (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F6Go to the next pane or frame (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F7Move text or graphics (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F8Reduce the selection or remove a block (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F9Update the linked information (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F10Display a shortcut menu (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F11Unlock a field (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F12Print the current document (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F1Display or hide the Ribbon (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F2Print Preview the current document (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F3Change the case of letters in a selection (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F4Repeat a Find or Go To action (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F5Edit a bookmark (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F6Go to the previous pane or frame (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F7Open the thesaurus (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F8Extend a selection or block (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F9Unlink a field (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F10Display a shortcut menu (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F11Lock a field (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F12Save the current document (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F1Display the Reveal Formatting task pane (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F2Switch to Print Preview (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F3Insert the contents of the Spike (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F4Find the next match (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F5Restore the window size (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F6Go to the next pane or frame (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F7Move text or graphics (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F8Reduce the selection or remove a block (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F9Update the linked information (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F10Display a shortcut menu (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F11Unlock a field (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F12Print the current document (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F1Display or hide the Ribbon (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F2Print Preview the current document (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F3Change the case of letters in a selection (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F4Repeat a Find or Go To action (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F5Edit a bookmark (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F6Go to the previous pane or frame (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F7Open the thesaurus (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F8Extend a selection or block (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F9Unlink a field (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F10Display a shortcut menu (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F11Unlock a field (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F12Print the current document (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F1Display or hide the Ribbon (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F2Print Preview the current document (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F3Change the case of letters in a selection (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F4Repeat a Find or Go To action (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F5Edit a bookmark (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F6Go to the previous pane or frame (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F7Open the thesaurus (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F8Extend a selection or block (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F9Unlink a field (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F10Display a shortcut menu (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F11Lock a field (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F12Save the current document (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F1Display the Reveal Formatting task pane (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F2Switch to Print Preview (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F3Insert the contents of the Spike (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F4Find the next match (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F5Restore the window size (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F6Go to the next pane or frame (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F7Move text or graphics (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F8Reduce the selection or remove a block (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F9Update the linked information (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F10Display a shortcut menu (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F11Unlock a field (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F12Print the current document (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F1Display or hide the Ribbon (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F2Print Preview the current document (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F3Change the case of letters in a selection (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F4Repeat a Find or Go To action (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F5Edit a bookmark (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F6Go to the previous pane or frame (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F7Open the thesaurus (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F8Extend a selection or block (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F9Unlink a field (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F10Display a shortcut menu (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F11Lock a field (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F12Save the current document (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F1Display the Reveal Formatting task pane (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F2Switch to Print Preview (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F3Insert the contents of the Spike (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F4Find the next match (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F5Restore the window size (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F6Go to the next pane or frame (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F7Move text or graphics (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F8Reduce the selection or remove a block (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F9Update the linked information (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F10Display a shortcut menu (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F11Unlock a field (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F12Print the current document (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F1Display or hide the Ribbon (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F2Print Preview the current document (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F3Change the case of letters in a selection (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F4Repeat a Find or Go To action (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F5Edit a bookmark (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F6Go to the previous pane or frame (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F7Open the thesaurus (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F8Extend a selection or block (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F9Unlink a field (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F10Display a shortcut menu (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F11Lock a field (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F12Save the current document (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F1Display the Reveal Formatting task pane (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F2Switch to Print Preview (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F3Insert the contents of the Spike (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F4Find the next match (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F5Restore the window size (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F6Go to the next pane or frame (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F7Move text or graphics (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F8Reduce the selection or remove a block (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F9Update the linked information (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F10Display a shortcut menu (in Microsoft Office applications)
Ctrl + Shift + GOpen the Go To dialog box (in some applications)
Ctrl + Shift + HReplace the selected text (in some applications)
Ctrl + Shift + IOpen the Developer Tools (in web browsers)
Ctrl + Shift + JOpen the Downloads page (in web browsers)
Ctrl + Shift + KOpen the Browser Console (in web browsers)
Ctrl + Shift + LToggle the bullet or number list (in some applications)
Ctrl + Shift + MToggle the comment on a selected item (in some applications)
Ctrl + Shift + NCreate a new folder (in file explorers)
Ctrl + Shift + OOpen a file (in some applications)
Ctrl + Shift + POpen a private browsing window (in web browsers)
Ctrl + Shift + QLog out of the current account (in some applications)
Ctrl + Shift + RRefresh the page and clear cache (in web browsers)
Ctrl + Shift + SSave the current document (in some applications)
Ctrl + Shift + TReopen the last closed tab (in web browsers)
Ctrl + Shift + UChange the text to uppercase (in some applications)
Ctrl + Shift + VPaste and match formatting (in some applications)
Ctrl + Shift + WClose the current window (in web browsers)
Ctrl + Shift + XCut the selected text or item (in some applications)
Ctrl + Shift + YRedo the last action (in some applications)
Ctrl + Shift + ZRedo the last action (in some applications)
Ctrl + Shift + 1 to 9Switch to a specific tab (in web browsers)
Ctrl + Shift + F1Open the Help menu (in some applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F2Rename the selected item (in some applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F3Search for the selected text or item (in some applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F4Close the active document window (in some applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F5Refresh the page (in web browsers)
Ctrl + Shift + F6Switch to the next open window (in some applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F7Open the spelling and grammar check (in some applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F8Extend the selection to a specific location (in some applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F9Update the selected fields (in some applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F10Open the context menu (in some applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F11Toggle full screen mode (in some applications)
Ctrl + Shift + F12Open the Print dialog box (in some applications)
By Brandon S. Lee

Hi, My name Brandon S.Lee and I am a professional Gamer, I also worked with the keyboard making company called Logitech. I was the quality check manager of the Logitech keyboard department. Here we have a team of people who researched on the keyboards, talked with keyboard users and analyzes the user reviews and then write the product reviews.

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