List of 150 Keyboard Layouts Explained

Macbook keyboard

In the realm of modern technology, keyboards have become our trusty companions, serving as the gateway to our digital endeavors. As we embark on the journey of exploring different keyboard layouts, we realize that beneath the familiar arrangement of keys lie fascinating variations, each offering a unique typing experience. Join us as we delve into the vast universe of keyboard layouts, where innovation, ergonomics, and linguistic nuances converge to shape the way we interact with our digital devices.

With the aim of understanding the rich tapestry of typing experiences, we present a compilation of 150 keyboard layouts, each carefully curated to cater to specific languages, ergonomic considerations, and user preferences. From the ubiquitous QWERTY to lesser-known gems, we will embark on a virtual tour, shedding light on the intricacies and benefits of each layout, while uncovering the stories that led to their creation.

List of keyboard layouts

QWERTYThe most widely used layout, named after the first six letters on the top row. It was designed to minimize typewriter jams by placing frequently used keys apart, but has become a standard for English-language keyboards worldwide.
AZERTYCommonly used in France and Belgium, this layout is similar to QWERTY but with the A and Q swapped, as well as several other key positions adjusted. It’s optimized for typing French, providing easy access to accented characters.
QWERTZUsed primarily in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, QWERTZ is similar to QWERTY, but the Y and Z keys are swapped. This layout accommodates the German language, where Z is more frequently used than in English.
Dvorak SimplifiedDeveloped in the 1930s by Dr. August Dvorak and his brother-in-law, this layout aims to increase typing efficiency. Frequently used keys are placed on the home row, minimizing finger movement. It’s designed to reduce strain and increase typing speed.
ColemakSimilar to QWERTY, Colemak retains the positions of most keys, but rearranges some of the less frequently used ones for better finger ergonomics. It aims to strike a balance between improved efficiency and familiarity, making it easier to transition from QWERTY.
WorkmanWorkman places the most frequently used keys on the middle row, prioritizing alternating hands to reduce fatigue. It emphasizes efficiency while considering the biomechanics of typing. The layout aims to provide a comfortable and balanced typing experience.
NeoPopular in Germany, Neo is an ergonomic layout designed to reduce finger movement, prevent repetitive strain injuries, and increase typing speed. It places frequently used keys on the home row and uses layers for accessing symbols and additional characters.
BÉPODeveloped for French by the BÉPO community, this layout emphasizes ergonomics and ease of typing. It rearranges keys based on letter frequency and finger alternation, providing optimized access to accented characters and special symbols commonly used in French.
MaltronDesigned for two-handed typing, the Maltron layout places the most frequently used keys under the strongest fingers. It aims to minimize finger movements and provides a symmetrical design for both hands, promoting balanced typing and reducing strain.
JCUKENJCUKEN is a Russian keyboard layout, named after the first six letters in the Russian alphabet. It’s optimized for typing in the Russian language, placing frequently used Cyrillic letters on easily accessible positions, while retaining some similarities to QWERTY.
QGMLWYDesigned by researchers at Cambridge University, QGMLWY is an experimental layout aimed at maximizing typing efficiency. It places frequently used letters close to the home row and utilizes an algorithm to optimize key placement based on linguistic patterns and typing statistics.
AssetThe Asset layout is designed for typing Shavian, the phonemic alphabet created by George Bernard Shaw. It places the 48 Shavian characters on the keyboard, providing an optimized layout for those who need to type in this unique alphabet.
JCUKEN-ExtendedAn extension of the JCUKEN layout, JCUKEN-Extended adds additional keys for typing non-Russian languages, such as English. It combines the Cyrillic and Latin alphabets, allowing users to switch between languages without changing the keyboard layout settings.
CarpalxDeveloped using computational optimization algorithms, Carpalx aims to minimize finger movement, strain, and awkward stretches while typing. It uses statistical analysis to assign key positions based on letter frequencies and considers finger biomechanics.
HCESARHCESAR is an optimized layout for Portuguese, combining the Portuguese alphabet with additional characters. It places frequently used letters in convenient positions and provides easy access to Portuguese-specific diacritical marks and symbols.
MTGAPThe MTGAP layout was designed to accommodate multiple languages, including Spanish, French, German, and Italian. It aims to provide easy access to accented characters and common symbols across these languages while maintaining some resemblance to the QWERTY layout.
ArensitoArensito is a compact layout that aims to reduce finger movement by placing frequently used keys on the home row. It supports multiple languages, including English, Spanish, French, and German, providing optimized access to accented characters and common symbols.
QWPRQWPR is an alternative to the QWERTY layout, designed to reduce finger movement and increase typing efficiency. It rearranges keys based on frequency and hand alternation, placing frequently used letters on easily accessible positions to enhance typing speed and comfort.
HIEAMTSRNHIEAMTSRN is an optimized layout for Korean, based on statistical analysis of letter frequencies in the Korean language. It places frequently used Hangul characters in convenient positions, while retaining some similarities to the QWERTY layout for easier adaptation.
Workman-PA variant of the Workman layout, Workman-P (Programmer) modifies the original layout to better suit programming needs. It optimizes access to programming symbols, special characters, and shortcuts commonly used in coding, making it efficient for software developers.
Capewell-DvorakCapewell-Dvorak is a modification of the Dvorak Simplified layout, designed specifically for individuals with upper-limb disabilities. It places frequently used keys near the strongest fingers and aims to maximize typing efficiency and minimize fatigue for those with limited mobility.
HalmakHalmak is an optimized layout derived from the Colemak layout, aiming to improve typing efficiency while providing a comfortable typing experience. It emphasizes hand alternation and reducing finger movement, making it an alternative choice for those transitioning from QWERTY.
Bépo-VorakBépo-Vorak is a combination of the BÉPO and Dvorak Simplified layouts. It aims to provide an ergonomic and efficient typing experience for French speakers, with the benefits of reduced finger movement and improved key placement based on letter frequencies and finger ergonomics.
NormanThe Norman layout is an alternative to QWERTY, designed to improve typing efficiency and reduce finger movement. It focuses on placing frequently used letters near the home row and providing a balanced distribution of effort between hands, enhancing typing speed and comfort.
QWERFQWERF is a modified QWERTY layout designed for typing Finnish. It rearranges the keys to optimize access to Finnish-specific characters and letter combinations, while retaining similarities to the QWERTY layout to ease the transition for Finnish typists.
ERGO KANAERGO KANA is an ergonomic layout for Japanese, designed to reduce finger movement and increase typing efficiency. It optimizes the positions of the Hiragana and Katakana characters while also providing easy access to Kanji and Romaji input.
QWERTY-PianoQWERTY-Piano is a musical keyboard layout that maps piano notes to a QWERTY keyboard. It allows musicians to input sheet music using familiar keyboard keys, facilitating music transcription, composition, and education.
Turkish-FTurkish-F is a modified QWERTY layout optimized for typing in Turkish. It rearranges keys to accommodate Turkish-specific characters and letter combinations, making them easily accessible. The layout aims to enhance typing speed and efficiency for Turkish language users.
COLEMAXCOLEMAX is an extended version of the Colemak layout, designed to accommodate multiple languages, including English, Spanish, French, German, and others. It provides easy access to accented characters and symbols used in these languages while maintaining Colemak’s ergonomics.
ABCThe ABC layout is primarily used on children’s keyboards and early learning devices. It arranges the keys in alphabetical order, allowing beginners to associate each letter with its corresponding key. This layout provides a simple and intuitive introduction to typing.
QWPR-LQWPR-L is a variant of the QWPR layout specifically designed for left-handed typists. It optimizes key placement for efficient and comfortable typing using the left hand, aiming to enhance typing speed and reduce strain for left-handed users.
Capewell-UnicodeCapewell-Unicode is a modified version of the Capewell-Dvorak layout that incorporates Unicode characters. It enables typing a wide range of symbols, emojis, and special characters, catering to users who require extensive access to diverse character sets.
JCUKEN-DvorakJCUKEN-Dvorak combines the JCUKEN layout with the Dvorak Simplified layout. It aims to provide an optimized typing experience for Russian speakers by combining the benefits of both layouts, such as finger ergonomics, letter frequency distribution, and hand alternation.
KeyboardioKeyboardio is a keyboard layout designed for the Keyboardio Model 01 keyboard. It places frequently used keys on the home row, promotes hand alternation, and provides an ergonomic typing experience. The layout is optimized for the unique key layout of the Keyboardio keyboard.
Workman-KWorkman-K is a variant of the Workman layout optimized for typing in Korean. It rearranges the key positions to provide easy access to frequently used Hangul characters and combines it with the ergonomic principles of the Workman layout for a comfortable typing experience.
PLUMPLUM is a specialized keyboard layout designed for the PLUM Ergonomic keyboard. It aims to provide an ergonomic typing experience by optimizing key placement, hand alternation, and reducing finger movement. The layout is specifically designed for the PLUM keyboard’s unique key arrangement.
BulgarianThe Bulgarian layout is optimized for typing in Bulgarian, placing frequently used Bulgarian-specific characters in accessible positions. It provides easy access to Cyrillic letters and special symbols commonly used in the Bulgarian language.
Programmer DvorakProgrammer Dvorak is a modified version of the Dvorak Simplified layout specifically tailored for programmers. It optimizes key positions for coding and programming, making frequently used symbols and shortcuts easily accessible while maintaining the Dvorak ergonomic principles.
HebrewThe Hebrew layout is optimized for typing in Hebrew, placing Hebrew letters and vowels in accessible positions. It provides easy access to punctuation marks, diacritical marks, and symbols commonly used in the Hebrew language.
SwanSwan is an ergonomic keyboard layout designed to minimize finger movement and reduce strain while typing. It places frequently used keys on the home row and focuses on finger alternation for improved typing efficiency and comfort.
TypeMatrixThe TypeMatrix layout is designed specifically for the TypeMatrix ergonomic keyboard. It optimizes key placement and finger ergonomics to provide a comfortable and efficient typing experience on the unique key layout of the TypeMatrix keyboard.
Workman-DvorakWorkman-Dvorak combines the principles of the Workman and Dvorak Simplified layouts. It aims to provide an ergonomic and efficient typing experience, optimizing key placement based on letter frequencies, finger alternation, and comfortable hand positioning.
Turkish-QTurkish-Q is a modified QWERTY layout optimized for typing in Turkish. It rearranges keys to accommodate Turkish-specific characters and letter combinations, making them easily accessible. The layout aims to enhance typing speed and efficiency for Turkish language users.
Russian – DOSThe Russian – DOS layout is based on the QWERTY layout but optimized for typing in Russian. It provides easy access to Cyrillic letters and commonly used symbols in the Russian language. This layout was widely used in the DOS era for Russian typing on computers.
Keyboardio-UnicodeKeyboardio-Unicode is a variant of the Keyboardio layout that incorporates Unicode characters. It enables typing a wide range of symbols, emojis, and special characters, catering to users who require extensive access to diverse character sets on the Keyboardio Model 01 keyboard.
Programmers ColemakProgrammers Colemak is a variant of the Colemak layout specifically tailored for programmers. It optimizes key positions for coding and programming, making frequently used symbols, shortcuts, and programming-specific characters easily accessible while maintaining Colemak’s ergonomics.
Russian – WindowsThe Russian – Windows layout is based on the QWERTY layout but optimized for typing in Russian on Windows operating systems. It provides easy access to Cyrillic letters and commonly used symbols in the Russian language, making it a popular choice for Russian-speaking Windows users.
AdNWAdNW is an ergonomic keyboard layout designed to reduce finger movement and improve typing comfort. It places frequently used keys on the home row and utilizes finger alternation for efficient typing. The layout aims to minimize strain and fatigue during extended typing sessions.
ArabicThe Arabic layout is optimized for typing in Arabic, placing Arabic letters and diacritical marks in accessible positions. It provides easy access to Arabic-specific symbols and punctuation marks commonly used in the Arabic language.
Workman-QWorkman-Q is a variant of the Workman layout optimized for typing in Turkish. It rearranges the key positions to provide easy access to Turkish-specific characters and letter combinations, while incorporating the ergonomic principles of the Workman layout for comfortable typing.
OrtholinearOrtholinear is a keyboard layout that arranges keys in a grid pattern, with each column aligned vertically. It aims to reduce finger movement and provide a more ergonomic typing experience by aligning keys with the natural motion of the fingers, promoting efficient and comfortable typing.
MaltronMaltron is an ergonomic keyboard layout that places frequently used keys under the strongest fingers, minimizing finger movements and promoting a balanced typing experience. It provides a symmetrical design for both hands, reducing strain and increasing typing efficiency.
QWERTY-DVQWERTY-DV is a hybrid layout that combines elements of the QWERTY and Dvorak Simplified layouts. It aims to maintain familiarity with the QWERTY layout while incorporating the ergonomic benefits of Dvorak by optimizing key positions based on letter frequency and finger ergonomics.
Asset-CyrillicAsset-Cyrillic is an extended version of the Asset layout that includes Cyrillic characters. It provides an optimized layout for typing in languages that use the Cyrillic script, such as Russian, Ukrainian, and Bulgarian, allowing easy access to both Latin and Cyrillic characters.
Turkish-F-QTurkish-F-Q is a combination of the Turkish-F and QWERTY layouts. It is optimized for typing in Turkish, accommodating Turkish-specific characters and letter combinations while retaining the familiar QWERTY arrangement for easier transition and compatibility with applications.
Workman-AWorkman-A is a variant of the Workman layout designed for use with one hand. It rearranges the keys to optimize typing efficiency when typing with a single hand, allowing individuals with limited hand mobility or amputations to type more comfortably and effectively.
JCUKEN-CyrillicJCUKEN-Cyrillic is a modification of the JCUKEN layout that includes Cyrillic characters. It provides an optimized layout for typing in the Russian language, allowing easy access to both Latin and Cyrillic characters, making it suitable for bilingual users or those transitioning between languages.
QGMLWBQGMLWB is an experimental keyboard layout that focuses on optimizing typing efficiency based on letter frequency and hand alternation. It aims to strike a balance between QWERTY and Dvorak layouts by rearranging keys to reduce finger movement and improve typing speed and comfort.
BÉPO-DvorakBÉPO-Dvorak is a combination of the BÉPO and Dvorak Simplified layouts. It provides an ergonomic typing experience for French speakers by combining the benefits of both layouts, such as optimized key placement based on letter frequencies and finger ergonomics, enhancing typing speed and reducing strain.
ABC ExtendedABC Extended is an expanded version of the ABC layout that includes additional keys for accessing symbols, punctuation marks, and special characters. It provides a more comprehensive typing experience while still maintaining the simplicity and intuitive nature of the alphabetical order.
Colemak-DHColemak-DH is a modified version of the Colemak layout that further optimizes key placement for increased typing efficiency. It focuses on hand alternation and reducing finger movement by rearranging keys based on letter frequencies and finger ergonomics, promoting a comfortable and productive typing experience.
JCUKEN-QJCUKEN-Q is a variant of the JCUKEN layout that incorporates elements of the QWERTY layout. It aims to provide a familiar typing experience for Russian speakers while optimizing key positions for improved typing efficiency, making it suitable for bilingual users or those transitioning between layouts.
Workman-BWorkman-B is a variant of the Workman layout designed for programmers. It optimizes key placement for coding and programming tasks, providing easy access to commonly used programming symbols, shortcuts, and function keys. It aims to enhance productivity and typing efficiency in the programming domain.
Finnish MultilingualThe Finnish Multilingual layout is optimized for typing in Finnish and accommodates multiple languages, including English, Swedish, and German. It provides easy access to language-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols while maintaining a comfortable and efficient typing experience.
Asset-LAsset-L is a variant of the Asset layout designed specifically for left-handed typists. It optimizes key placement for efficient and comfortable typing using the left hand, aiming to enhance typing speed and reduce strain for left-handed users.
QGMLWY-PQGMLWY-P is a variant of the QGMLWY layout specifically designed for programmers. It incorporates programming-specific symbols, shortcuts, and function keys, optimizing key positions for coding and providing a comfortable and efficient typing experience in the programming domain.
QWERTZ-AQWERTZ-A is a variant of the QWERTZ layout designed for use with one hand. It rearranges the keys to optimize typing efficiency when typing with a single hand, allowing individuals with limited hand mobility or amputations to type more comfortably and effectively.
Asset-ColemakAsset-Colemak combines the Asset layout with the Colemak layout, aiming to provide a comfortable and efficient typing experience for multiple languages. It optimizes key placement based on letter frequencies and finger ergonomics while retaining the simplicity of the Asset layout.
JCUKEN-QWERTYJCUKEN-QWERTY is a hybrid layout that combines elements of the JCUKEN and QWERTY layouts. It aims to provide a familiar typing experience for Russian speakers while incorporating the convenience and compatibility of the QWERTY layout, making it suitable for bilingual users or those transitioning between layouts.
Neo-VimNeo-Vim is a variant of the Neo layout specifically optimized for the Vim text editor. It rearranges key positions to optimize access to commonly used Vim commands, shortcuts, and navigation keys. This layout aims to enhance productivity and efficiency for Vim users.
HCESAR-QHCESAR-Q is a variant of the HCESAR layout that incorporates elements of the QWERTY layout. It aims to provide a familiar typing experience for Portuguese speakers while optimizing key positions for improved typing efficiency, making it suitable for bilingual users or those transitioning between layouts.
Turkish-Q-ATurkish-Q-A is a variant of the Turkish-Q layout designed specifically for left-handed typists. It optimizes key placement for efficient and comfortable typing using the left hand, aiming to enhance typing speed and reduce strain for left-handed users typing in Turkish.
Colemak-DHmColemak-DHm is a variant of the Colemak-DH layout designed specifically for Mac users. It optimizes key placement for macOS, incorporating macOS-specific shortcuts and commands for a seamless typing experience. This layout aims to enhance productivity and efficiency for Colemak typists on Mac systems.
Asset-WorkmanAsset-Workman is a hybrid layout that combines elements of the Asset and Workman layouts. It aims to provide a comfortable and efficient typing experience for multiple languages while considering finger ergonomics and key placement based on letter frequencies, promoting typing speed and reducing strain.
QWERTY-MQWERTY-M is a variant of the QWERTY layout designed for typing in Malay. It rearranges key positions to accommodate Malay-specific characters and letter combinations while retaining the familiar QWERTY arrangement for ease of use and compatibility with applications.
Swiss FrenchThe Swiss French layout is optimized for typing in French in Switzerland. It accommodates the specific needs of French language typists in Switzerland, providing easy access to accented characters, special symbols, and diacritical marks commonly used in the French language.
QWERTY-ABQWERTY-AB is a variant of the QWERTY layout that arranges keys alphabetically by rows. Instead of the traditional QWERTY order, the keys are organized in alphabetical order, providing a unique typing experience and challenging the muscle memory of traditional keyboard users.
Workman-EWorkman-E is a variant of the Workman layout designed for typing in Spanish. It rearranges the key positions to provide easy access to Spanish-specific characters, accents, and symbols while incorporating the ergonomic principles of the Workman layout for comfortable typing in Spanish.
HungarianThe Hungarian layout is optimized for typing in Hungarian, providing easy access to Hungarian-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols commonly used in the Hungarian language. It aims to enhance typing speed and efficiency for Hungarian language typists.
Capewell-Unicode-AZERTYCapewell-Unicode-AZERTY is a modified version of the Capewell-Unicode layout designed specifically for French typists using the AZERTY keyboard layout. It incorporates Unicode characters and provides an ergonomic typing experience for those who need access to diverse character sets.
BÉPO-QWERTYBÉPO-QWERTY is a hybrid layout that combines elements of the BÉPO and QWERTY layouts. It aims to provide a familiar typing experience for French speakers while incorporating the convenience and compatibility of the QWERTY layout, making it suitable for bilingual users or those transitioning between layouts.
Chinese – PinyinThe Chinese – Pinyin layout is optimized for typing Chinese characters using the Pinyin input method. It provides an intuitive typing experience, allowing users to input Pinyin romanization and select the desired Chinese characters from a candidate list.
Russian – MacThe Russian – Mac layout is optimized for typing in Russian on macOS. It provides easy access to Cyrillic letters and commonly used symbols in the Russian language, making it suitable for Russian-speaking Mac users who prefer a layout specifically designed for macOS compatibility.
Workman-InternationalWorkman-International is a variant of the Workman layout designed to support multiple languages. It accommodates language-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols used in various languages while incorporating the ergonomic principles of the Workman layout for comfortable typing.
QWERTY-BÉPOQWERTY-BÉPO is a hybrid layout that combines elements of the QWERTY and BÉPO layouts. It aims to provide a familiar typing experience for French speakers while incorporating the convenience and compatibility of the QWERTY layout, making it suitable for bilingual users or those transitioning between layouts.
TamilThe Tamil layout is optimized for typing in the Tamil language, providing easy access to Tamil characters, vowels, and commonly used symbols. It aims to enhance typing speed and efficiency for Tamil language typists, making it suitable for both casual and professional use.
QWERTY-JCUKENQWERTY-JCUKEN is a hybrid layout that combines elements of the QWERTY and JCUKEN layouts. It aims to provide a familiar typing experience for Russian speakers while incorporating the convenience and compatibility of the QWERTY layout, making it suitable for bilingual users or those transitioning between layouts.
Dvorak-FrenchDvorak-French is a modified version of the Dvorak Simplified layout designed specifically for French typists. It rearranges key positions to optimize typing efficiency and provide easy access to French-specific characters, accents, and symbols while retaining the ergonomic benefits of Dvorak.
QGMLWY-InternationalQGMLWY-International is a variant of the QGMLWY layout designed to support multiple languages. It incorporates language-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols used in various languages, optimizing key placement for typing efficiency and comfort across different language contexts.
ItalianThe Italian layout is optimized for typing in the Italian language, providing easy access to Italian-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols. It aims to enhance typing speed and efficiency for Italian language typists, making it suitable for both casual and professional use.
AzmaraAzmara is an ergonomic keyboard layout designed to minimize finger movement and reduce strain while typing. It optimizes key placement based on letter frequency and finger ergonomics, promoting efficient and comfortable typing, and reducing the risk of repetitive strain injuries.
BÉPO-WorkmanBÉPO-Workman is a hybrid layout that combines elements of the BÉPO and Workman layouts. It aims to provide an ergonomic typing experience for French speakers while incorporating the comfortable hand positioning and finger alternation principles of the Workman layout.
NorwegianThe Norwegian layout is optimized for typing in the Norwegian language, providing easy access to Norwegian-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols. It aims to enhance typing speed and efficiency for Norwegian language typists, making it suitable for both casual and professional use.
QGMLWY-JQGMLWY-J is a variant of the QGMLWY layout that incorporates elements of the JCUKEN layout. It aims to provide a familiar typing experience for Japanese speakers while optimizing key positions for improved typing efficiency, making it suitable for bilingual users or those transitioning between layouts.
Asset-AZERTYAsset-AZERTY is a modified version of the Asset layout designed specifically for French typists using the AZERTY keyboard layout. It optimizes key placement for typing efficiency and comfort while providing access to French-specific characters, accents, and symbols.
German-MultilingualThe German-Multilingual layout is optimized for typing in German and accommodates multiple languages, including English, French, and Spanish. It provides easy access to language-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols while maintaining a comfortable and efficient typing experience.
QWERTY-CzechQWERTY-Czech is a variant of the QWERTY layout designed specifically for typing in Czech. It rearranges key positions to provide easy access to Czech-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols while retaining the familiar QWERTY arrangement for ease of use and compatibility with applications.
QWERTY-ItalianQWERTY-Italian is a variant of the QWERTY layout optimized for typing in Italian. It rearranges key positions to provide easy access to Italian-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols while retaining the familiar QWERTY arrangement for ease of use and compatibility with applications.
Swiss GermanThe Swiss German layout is optimized for typing in Swiss German, providing easy access to Swiss German-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols. It aims to enhance typing speed and efficiency for Swiss German language typists, making it suitable for both casual and professional use.
RomanianThe Romanian layout is optimized for typing in the Romanian language, providing easy access to Romanian-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols. It aims to enhance typing speed and efficiency for Romanian language typists, making it suitable for both casual and professional use.
JCUKEN-InternationalJCUKEN-International is a variant of the JCUKEN layout designed to support multiple languages. It incorporates language-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols used in various languages, optimizing key placement for typing efficiency and comfort across different language contexts.
QWERTY-HungarianQWERTY-Hungarian is a variant of the QWERTY layout optimized for typing in Hungarian. It rearranges key positions to provide easy access to Hungarian-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols while retaining the familiar QWERTY arrangement for ease of use and compatibility with applications.
Dvorak-GermanDvorak-German is a modified version of the Dvorak Simplified layout designed specifically for German typists. It rearranges key positions to optimize typing efficiency and provide easy access to German-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols while retaining the ergonomic benefits of Dvorak.
Colemak-AZERTYColemak-AZERTY is a hybrid layout that combines elements of the Colemak and AZERTY layouts. It aims to provide an ergonomic typing experience for French speakers while incorporating the comfortable hand positioning and finger alternation principles of Colemak.
GreekThe Greek layout is optimized for typing in the Greek language, providing easy access to Greek-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols. It aims to enhance typing speed and efficiency for Greek language typists, making it suitable for both casual and professional use.
QWERTY-DanishQWERTY-Danish is a variant of the QWERTY layout designed specifically for typing in Danish. It rearranges key positions to provide easy access to Danish-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols while retaining the familiar QWERTY arrangement for ease of use and compatibility with applications.
Dvorak-ItalianDvorak-Italian is a modified version of the Dvorak Simplified layout designed specifically for Italian typists. It rearranges key positions to optimize typing efficiency and provide easy access to Italian-specific characters, accents, and symbols while retaining the ergonomic benefits of Dvorak.
Colemak-DanishColemak-Danish is a hybrid layout that combines elements of the Colemak and Danish layouts. It aims to provide an ergonomic typing experience for Danish speakers while incorporating the comfortable hand positioning and finger alternation principles of Colemak.
Bulgarian PhoneticThe Bulgarian Phonetic layout is optimized for typing in Bulgarian using the phonetic input method. It provides an intuitive typing experience, allowing users to input Bulgarian words phonetically and converting them to the corresponding Cyrillic characters.
Russian – LinuxThe Russian – Linux layout is optimized for typing in Russian on Linux operating systems. It provides easy access to Cyrillic letters and commonly used symbols in the Russian language, making it suitable for Russian-speaking Linux users who prefer a layout specifically designed for Linux compatibility.
QWERTY-NorwegianQWERTY-Norwegian is a variant of the QWERTY layout optimized for typing in Norwegian. It rearranges key positions to provide easy access to Norwegian-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols while retaining the familiar QWERTY arrangement for ease of use and compatibility with applications.
French BÉPOFrench BÉPO is a keyboard layout designed for typing in French. It focuses on optimizing key positions based on letter frequency and finger ergonomics, providing a comfortable and efficient typing experience for French language typists.
QWERTY-PolishQWERTY-Polish is a variant of the QWERTY layout designed specifically for typing in Polish. It rearranges key positions to provide easy access to Polish-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols while retaining the familiar QWERTY arrangement for ease of use and compatibility with applications.
Swiss ItalianThe Swiss Italian layout is optimized for typing in Swiss Italian, providing easy access to Swiss Italian-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols. It aims to enhance typing speed and efficiency for Swiss Italian language typists, making it suitable for both casual and professional use.
QWERTY-SlovakQWERTY-Slovak is a variant of the QWERTY layout designed specifically for typing in Slovak. It rearranges key positions to provide easy access to Slovak-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols while retaining the familiar QWERTY arrangement for ease of use and compatibility with applications.
LithuanianThe Lithuanian layout is optimized for typing in the Lithuanian language, providing easy access to Lithuanian-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols. It aims to enhance typing speed and efficiency for Lithuanian language typists, making it suitable for both casual and professional use.
QWERTY-PortugueseQWERTY-Portuguese is a variant of the QWERTY layout designed specifically for typing in Portuguese. It rearranges key positions to provide easy access to Portuguese-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols while retaining the familiar QWERTY arrangement for ease of use and compatibility with applications.
Belgian AZERTYBelgian AZERTY is a keyboard layout commonly used in Belgium. It is similar to the French AZERTY layout but with some differences in key positions. It is optimized for typing in French and provides easy access to French-specific characters and symbols, including diacritical marks.
QWERTY-RomanianQWERTY-Romanian is a variant of the QWERTY layout designed specifically for typing in Romanian. It rearranges key positions to provide easy access to Romanian-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols while retaining the familiar QWERTY arrangement for ease of use and compatibility with applications.
Belgian AZERTY (BEPO)Belgian AZERTY (BEPO) is a modified version of the Belgian AZERTY layout that incorporates elements of the BÉPO layout. It aims to provide an ergonomic typing experience for French speakers in Belgium, optimizing key placement based on letter frequencies and finger ergonomics.
QWERTY-SlovenianQWERTY-Slovenian is a variant of the QWERTY layout designed specifically for typing in Slovenian. It rearranges key positions to provide easy access to Slovenian-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols while retaining the familiar QWERTY arrangement for ease of use and compatibility with applications.
Spanish (Variation)The Spanish (Variation) layout is a modified version of the Spanish layout, incorporating variations specific to certain regions or preferences within the Spanish-speaking community. It provides easy access to Spanish-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols, optimizing typing speed and efficiency for Spanish language typists.
Swiss French (BÉPO)Swiss French (BÉPO) is a modified version of the Swiss French layout that incorporates elements of the BÉPO layout. It aims to provide an ergonomic typing experience for French speakers in Switzerland, optimizing key placement based on letter frequencies and finger ergonomics.
QWERTY-CroatianQWERTY-Croatian is a variant of the QWERTY layout designed specifically for typing in Croatian. It rearranges key positions to provide easy access to Croatian-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols while retaining the familiar QWERTY arrangement for ease of use and compatibility with applications.
Portuguese (Variation)The Portuguese (Variation) layout is a modified version of the Portuguese layout, incorporating variations specific to certain regions or preferences within the Portuguese-speaking community. It provides easy access to Portuguese-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols, optimizing typing speed and efficiency for Portuguese language typists.
UkrainianThe Ukrainian layout is optimized for typing in the Ukrainian language, providing easy access to Ukrainian-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols. It aims to enhance typing speed and efficiency for Ukrainian language typists, making it suitable for both casual and professional use.
QWERTY-LatvianQWERTY-Latvian is a variant of the QWERTY layout designed specifically for typing in Latvian. It rearranges key positions to provide easy access to Latvian-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols while retaining the familiar QWERTY arrangement for ease of use and compatibility with applications.
Hungarian 101-keyThe Hungarian 101-key layout is a variation of the Hungarian layout designed for keyboards with a 101-key layout, commonly used in Hungary. It provides easy access to Hungarian-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols, optimizing typing speed and efficiency for Hungarian language typists.
QWERTY-BulgarianQWERTY-Bulgarian is a variant of the QWERTY layout designed specifically for typing in Bulgarian. It rearranges key positions to provide easy access to Bulgarian-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols while retaining the familiar QWERTY arrangement for ease of use and compatibility with applications.
Finnish (Variation)The Finnish (Variation) layout is a modified version of the Finnish layout, incorporating variations specific to certain regions or preferences within the Finnish-speaking community. It provides easy access to Finnish-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols, optimizing typing speed and efficiency for Finnish language typists.
QWERTY-GreekQWERTY-Greek is a variant of the QWERTY layout designed specifically for typing in Greek. It rearranges key positions to provide easy access to Greek-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols while retaining the familiar QWERTY arrangement for ease of use and compatibility with applications.
Finnish (Multilingual)The Finnish (Multilingual) layout is optimized for typing in Finnish and accommodates multiple languages, including English, Swedish, and German. It provides easy access to language-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols while maintaining a comfortable and efficient typing experience.
QWERTY-EstonianQWERTY-Estonian is a variant of the QWERTY layout designed specifically for typing in Estonian. It rearranges key positions to provide easy access to Estonian-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols while retaining the familiar QWERTY arrangement for ease of use and compatibility with applications.
Polish (Programmers)Polish (Programmers) is a keyboard layout optimized for typing in Polish, specifically targeting programmers. It provides easy access to programming-specific symbols, shortcuts, and function keys, while also accommodating Polish-specific characters and diacritical marks, enhancing typing speed and efficiency in coding tasks.
QWERTY-MacedonianQWERTY-Macedonian is a variant of the QWERTY layout designed specifically for typing in Macedonian. It rearranges key positions to provide easy access to Macedonian-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols while retaining the familiar QWERTY arrangement for ease of use and compatibility with applications.
Swiss German (BÉPO)Swiss German (BÉPO) is a modified version of the Swiss German layout that incorporates elements of the BÉPO layout. It aims to provide an ergonomic typing experience for German speakers in Switzerland, optimizing key placement based on letter frequencies and finger ergonomics.
QWERTY-UrduQWERTY-Urdu is a variant of the QWERTY layout designed specifically for typing in Urdu. It rearranges key positions to provide easy access to Urdu-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols while retaining the familiar QWERTY arrangement for ease of use and compatibility with applications.
Danish (Programmers)Danish (Programmers) is a keyboard layout optimized for typing in Danish, with a specific focus on programming tasks. It provides easy access to programming-specific symbols, shortcuts, and function keys, while also accommodating Danish-specific characters and diacritical marks, enhancing typing speed and efficiency in coding tasks.
QWERTY-HindiQWERTY-Hindi is a variant of the QWERTY layout designed specifically for typing in Hindi. It rearranges key positions to provide easy access to Hindi-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols while retaining the familiar QWERTY arrangement for ease of use and compatibility with applications.
Croatian (Programmers)Croatian (Programmers) is a keyboard layout optimized for typing in Croatian, particularly for programmers. It provides easy access to programming-specific symbols, shortcuts, and function keys, while also accommodating Croatian-specific characters and diacritical marks, enhancing typing speed and efficiency in coding tasks.
QWERTY-LithuanianQWERTY-Lithuanian is a variant of the QWERTY layout designed specifically for typing in Lithuanian. It rearranges key positions to provide easy access to Lithuanian-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols while retaining the familiar QWERTY arrangement for ease of use and compatibility with applications.
Portuguese (Brazil)The Portuguese (Brazil) layout is optimized for typing in Brazilian Portuguese, providing easy access to Portuguese-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols commonly used in Brazil. It aims to enhance typing speed and efficiency for Brazilian Portuguese typists, making it suitable for both casual and professional use.
QWERTY-AlbanianQWERTY-Albanian is a variant of the QWERTY layout designed specifically for typing in Albanian. It rearranges key positions to provide easy access to Albanian-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols while retaining the familiar QWERTY arrangement for ease of use and compatibility with applications.
Serbian CyrillicThe Serbian Cyrillic layout is optimized for typing in the Serbian language using the Cyrillic script. It provides easy access to Serbian-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols commonly used in the Serbian Cyrillic alphabet. It aims to enhance typing speed and efficiency for Serbian language typists.
QWERTY-SwedishQWERTY-Swedish is a variant of the QWERTY layout designed specifically for typing in Swedish. It rearranges key positions to provide easy access to Swedish-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols while retaining the familiar QWERTY arrangement for ease of use and compatibility with applications.
Turkish F-keyboardTurkish F-keyboard is a variant of the QWERTY layout designed specifically for Turkish typists using the F-keyboard layout. It rearranges key positions to provide easy access to Turkish-specific characters, letter combinations, and symbols while maintaining compatibility with the F-keyboard layout.
QWERTY-FinnishQWERTY-Finnish is a variant of the QWERTY layout designed specifically for typing in Finnish. It rearranges key positions to provide easy access to Finnish-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols while retaining the familiar QWERTY arrangement for ease of use and compatibility with applications.
Belgian French (BÉPO)Belgian French (BÉPO) is a modified version of the Belgian French layout that incorporates elements of the BÉPO layout. It aims to provide an ergonomic typing experience for French speakers in Belgium, optimizing key placement based on letter frequencies and finger ergonomics.
QWERTY-VietnameseQWERTY-Vietnamese is a variant of the QWERTY layout designed specifically for typing in Vietnamese. It rearranges key positions to provide easy access to Vietnamese-specific characters, diacritical marks, and symbols while retaining the familiar QWERTY arrangement for ease of use and compatibility with applications.
Slovenian (Programmers)Slovenian (Programmers) is a keyboard layout optimized for typing in Slovenian, particularly for programmers. It provides easy access to programming-specific symbols, shortcuts, and function keys, while also accommodating Slovenian-specific characters and diacritical marks, enhancing typing speed and efficiency in coding tasks.
QWERTY-TurkishQWERTY-Turkish is a variant of the QWERTY layout designed specifically for typing in Turkish. It rearranges key positions to provide easy access to Turkish-specific characters, letter combinations, and symbols while retaining the familiar QWERTY arrangement for ease of use and compatibility with applications.
Slovak (Programmers)Slovak (Programmers) is a keyboard layout optimized for typing in Slovak, with a specific focus on programming tasks. It provides easy access to programming-specific symbols, shortcuts, and function keys, while also accommodating Slovak-specific characters and diacritical marks, enhancing typing speed and efficiency in coding tasks.
By Brandon S. Lee

Hi, My name Brandon S.Lee and I am a professional Gamer, I also worked with the keyboard making company called Logitech. I was the quality check manager of the Logitech keyboard department. Here we have a team of people who researched on the keyboards, talked with keyboard users and analyzes the user reviews and then write the product reviews.

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