Standard ps/2 keyboard Error Code 19 [SOLVED!]


When it comes to using a computer, the keyboard is one of the most important input devices. It is the primary means of communicating with the computer and executing commands. However, sometimes you may encounter issues with your keyboard, such as the Standard PS/2 Keyboard Error Code 19. This error can be frustrating and cause significant disruptions to your work or personal use of your computer.

The Standard PS/2 Keyboard Error Code 19 is an error that occurs when the device driver of the keyboard is outdated, corrupted, or missing. It prevents the keyboard from functioning correctly and can make it unusable. The error code 19 appears in the device manager, indicating that there is a problem with the device driver.

It is essential to solve this issue because it affects your ability to use your computer effectively. Without a functioning keyboard, you may not be able to type, execute commands, or use certain programs. Solving this problem can also prevent other errors from occurring and improve the overall performance of your computer.

In this article, we will explain the causes of the Standard PS/2 Keyboard Error Code 19 and provide step-by-step solutions to solve the issue. We will also discuss how to diagnose the issue, check for hardware malfunctions, and provide recommendations on how to prevent future errors. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of the error and be equipped with the knowledge and tools to solve it.

Understanding Standard PS/2 Keyboard Error Code 19

To understand the Standard PS/2 Keyboard Error Code 19, we must first understand what a PS/2 keyboard is and how it functions with the computer. A PS/2 keyboard is a type of keyboard that uses a PS/2 interface to communicate with the computer. It is one of the oldest and most common types of keyboards still in use today.

The PS/2 interface connects the keyboard to the computer’s motherboard, allowing it to transmit key presses and commands to the computer. The keyboard sends data in the form of electrical signals, which are translated into ASCII code by the computer.

When the keyboard driver is outdated, corrupted, or missing, it can result in the Standard PS/2 Keyboard Error Code 19. This error code is a type of device manager error that indicates there is a problem with the device driver. A device driver is software that allows the computer to communicate with hardware devices, such as a keyboard. When the device driver is not functioning correctly, it can prevent the keyboard from working correctly and cause the error code 19 to appear in the device manager.

There are several causes of the Standard PS/2 Keyboard Error Code 19. One of the most common causes is outdated or corrupted device drivers. Device drivers need to be updated regularly to ensure that they are functioning correctly and efficiently. Another cause of the error can be registry issues. The registry is a database that stores settings and configurations for the operating system and installed software. Registry issues can cause conflicts and errors with the device drivers, leading to the error code 19. Hardware malfunctions can also cause the Standard PS/2 Keyboard Error Code 19. Loose connections, damaged cables, or malfunctioning keyboard hardware can prevent the keyboard from functioning correctly, leading to the error code.

Diagnosing the Issue

If you are experiencing the Standard PS/2 Keyboard Error Code 19, you may notice several symptoms that indicate that there is a problem with your keyboard driver. Here are some of the common symptoms you may encounter:

  1. Unresponsive keys or keyboard: The keyboard may not respond to any keystrokes or may only respond intermittently. This can be frustrating and make it difficult to use your computer effectively.
  2. Inaccurate or erratic key inputs: The keyboard may register incorrect keystrokes or repeat the same key multiple times, even when it is pressed only once. This can make it challenging to type or execute commands accurately.
  3. Error messages or alerts: You may see error messages or alerts pop up on your screen, indicating that there is a problem with the keyboard driver or hardware.

If you encounter any of these symptoms, it is essential to diagnose the issue and identify the cause of the error. Here are some steps you can take to diagnose the issue:

  1. Check the device manager for Error Code 19: The first step is to check the device manager to see if there is an error code 19 associated with the keyboard. To do this, follow these steps:a. Press the Windows key + X and select Device Manager from the menu. b. Locate the keyboard in the device list and click on the arrow next to it to expand the list of devices. c. Look for the yellow exclamation mark or red “X” icon next to the keyboard device. This indicates that there is an error with the device driver. d. Right-click on the keyboard device and select Properties. e. In the Properties window, click on the General tab and look for the error code 19.
  2. Test the keyboard on another computer: If you have access to another computer, you can test the keyboard on it to see if the issue is with the hardware. If the keyboard works correctly on the other computer, it may indicate that there is a problem with your computer’s drivers or settings.
  3. Check for loose connections: Check the keyboard and cable for any damage or loose connections. Make sure that the keyboard is connected securely to the computer and that the cable is not damaged or frayed.

By following these steps, you can diagnose the issue and identify the cause of the Standard PS/2 Keyboard Error Code 19. Once you have identified the cause, you can move on to the solutions to fix the error.

Solutions to Standard PS/2 Keyboard Error Code 19

There are several methods you can use to fix the Standard PS/2 Keyboard Error Code 19. The solutions depend on the cause of the error, which can be outdated or corrupted drivers, registry issues, or hardware malfunctions. Here are some of the methods you can use to solve the error:

Updating the Keyboard Driver

One of the most common causes of the Standard PS/2 Keyboard Error Code 19 is outdated or corrupted device drivers. Updating the keyboard driver can solve the error and restore the keyboard’s functionality. There are two ways to update the keyboard driver: automatically through the Device Manager or manually through the manufacturer’s website.

  1. Automatic Update through Device Managera. Press the Windows key + X and select Device Manager from the menu. b. Locate the keyboard in the device list and right-click on it. c. Select Update driver from the context menu. d. Choose the option to search automatically for updated driver software. e. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the updated driver.
  2. Manual Update through Manufacturer’s Websitea. Identify the keyboard model and manufacturer. b. Go to the manufacturer’s website and search for the latest keyboard driver. c. Download the driver and save it to your computer. d. Install the driver by following the on-screen instructions.

Editing the Registry

If the error is caused by registry issues, editing the registry can solve the error. Editing the registry can be complicated and risky, so it is essential to create a backup of the registry before making any changes.

Press the Windows key + R and type “regedit” in the Run box.

Navigate to the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class{4D36E96B-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} c. Locate the UpperFilters and LowerFilters values. d. Right-click on each value and select Delete. e. Restart your computer.

Checking for Hardware Malfunctions

If the error is caused by hardware malfunctions, checking for loose connections or testing the keyboard on another computer can solve the error.

  1. Testing the Keyboard on Another Computera. Connect the keyboard to another computer. b. Test the keyboard on the other computer to see if it works correctly. c. If the keyboard works correctly, the issue is with your computer’s drivers or settings.
  2. Checking for Loose Connectionsa. Check the keyboard and cable for any damage or loose connections. b. Make sure that the keyboard is connected securely to the computer and that the cable is not damaged or frayed.

By following these solutions, you can fix the Standard PS/2 Keyboard Error Code 19 and restore your keyboard’s functionality. It is essential to maintain and update your drivers and hardware regularly to prevent future errors and ensure optimal performance.


The Standard PS/2 Keyboard Error Code 19 can be a frustrating and disruptive error that prevents you from using your keyboard effectively. However, by understanding the causes and solutions, you can diagnose and solve the error quickly and efficiently.

In this article, we have discussed the causes of the error, including outdated or corrupted drivers, registry issues, and hardware malfunctions. We have also provided step-by-step solutions to solve the error, including updating the keyboard driver, editing the registry, and checking for hardware malfunctions.

It is essential to maintain and update your drivers and hardware regularly to prevent future errors and ensure optimal performance. Regular updates can improve the stability and efficiency of your computer, reduce the risk of errors, and extend the life of your hardware.

In conclusion, the Standard PS/2 Keyboard Error Code 19 is a solvable issue that can be resolved quickly and efficiently. By following the solutions provided in this article, you can restore your keyboard’s functionality and improve your overall computing experience. If you continue to experience issues, it is recommended to seek professional help or contact the manufacturer for support.

By Brandon S. Lee

Hi, My name Brandon S.Lee and I am a professional Gamer, I also worked with the keyboard making company called Logitech. I was the quality check manager of the Logitech keyboard department. Here we have a team of people who researched on the keyboards, talked with keyboard users and analyzes the user reviews and then write the product reviews.

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