Virtualbox Fatal Keyboard Error 995 [SOLVED!]


VirtualBox is a popular and versatile virtualization platform that allows users to create and manage multiple virtual machines on a single physical computer. It is widely used by businesses and individuals for various purposes, including software development, testing, and running multiple operating systems on a single machine.

However, despite its many benefits, VirtualBox can sometimes encounter errors that can be frustrating for users. One such error is the VirtualBox Fatal Keyboard Error 995, which can prevent users from inputting commands or cause VirtualBox to freeze or crash altogether. This error can be particularly troublesome for users who rely on VirtualBox for their work or personal needs.

In this article, we will explore the VirtualBox Fatal Keyboard Error 995 in depth, including its causes, symptoms, and potential solutions. We will also provide tips for avoiding the error and troubleshooting other common VirtualBox issues. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of how to address this error and how to maintain a smooth and reliable virtualization experience with VirtualBox.

Understanding VirtualBox Fatal Keyboard Error 995

VirtualBox Fatal Keyboard Error 995 is a type of error that can occur when using VirtualBox. This error can be caused by various factors, including outdated VirtualBox software, conflicting virtualization software, and issues with system hardware or drivers.

The error can manifest in different ways, but some common symptoms include the sudden freezing or crashing of VirtualBox and the inability to type or input commands. Users may also notice that their keyboard or mouse input is not being recognized by VirtualBox.

One reason this error can occur is due to outdated VirtualBox software. It is important to regularly check for updates and install them to ensure that the software is running smoothly. Another reason can be conflicting virtualization software. If you have other virtualization software installed on your computer, this can cause issues with VirtualBox. You may need to disable conflicting software to resolve the error.

Issues with system hardware or drivers can also cause this error to occur. This can include outdated or incompatible hardware or drivers. It is important to ensure that your system hardware and drivers are up to date and compatible with VirtualBox.

How to Solve VirtualBox Fatal Keyboard Error 995

If you are experiencing VirtualBox Fatal Keyboard Error 995, don’t worry – there are several potential solutions that can help you resolve the error. Here are some steps you can take to fix this error:

  1. Update VirtualBox software: The first thing you should do is ensure that your VirtualBox software is up to date. Go to the VirtualBox website and download the latest version of the software. This can often resolve any issues that may be causing the error.
  2. Disable conflicting virtualization software: If you have other virtualization software installed on your computer, this can cause conflicts with VirtualBox. Try disabling any other virtualization software to see if this resolves the error.
  3. Troubleshoot system hardware or drivers: Issues with system hardware or drivers can also cause this error to occur. Ensure that your system hardware and drivers are up to date and compatible with VirtualBox. You can check for updates in your computer’s Device Manager.
  4. Change the input method: If the error persists, you can try changing the input method in VirtualBox. This can sometimes resolve issues with keyboard or mouse input.
  5. Use a different virtualization platform: If none of the above solutions work, you may need to consider using a different virtualization platform.

It is important to note that VirtualBox Fatal Keyboard Error 995 can sometimes be difficult to resolve, and may require some trial and error to find the best solution. If you continue to encounter the error despite attempting to fix it, consider seeking help from the VirtualBox community or contacting VirtualBox support for assistance.

Best Practices for Avoiding VirtualBox Fatal Keyboard Error 995

While VirtualBox Fatal Keyboard Error 995 can be frustrating to deal with, there are some best practices you can follow to avoid encountering this error in the first place. Here are some tips:

  1. Keep VirtualBox software up to date: As we mentioned earlier, outdated software can sometimes cause this error to occur. Make sure to regularly check for updates and install them as soon as they are available.
  2. Avoid conflicting virtualization software: If possible, try to avoid installing conflicting virtualization software on your computer. If you need to use multiple virtualization platforms, ensure that they are compatible with each other and do not conflict with each other.
  3. Maintain system hardware and drivers: Regularly check that your system hardware and drivers are up to date and compatible with VirtualBox. You can do this by checking your computer’s Device Manager and ensuring that all drivers are up to date.
  4. Use recommended system settings: When setting up a virtual machine in VirtualBox, make sure to use the recommended system settings for the operating system you are installing. This can help prevent compatibility issues that may cause the error to occur.
  5. Troubleshoot other common VirtualBox issues: Familiarize yourself with other common VirtualBox issues and how to troubleshoot them. This can help you identify and address issues before they lead to the VirtualBox Fatal Keyboard Error 995.

By following these best practices, you can help ensure a smooth and reliable virtualization experience with VirtualBox. Remember, if you do encounter this error despite your best efforts, there are several potential solutions that can help you resolve it.


In conclusion, VirtualBox is a powerful and versatile virtualization platform that can provide many benefits to businesses and individuals alike. However, as with any software, it can sometimes encounter errors that can be frustrating for users.

One such error is the VirtualBox Fatal Keyboard Error 995, which can prevent users from inputting commands or cause VirtualBox to freeze or crash altogether. However, by understanding the causes and symptoms of this error and following the potential solutions we have outlined, you can quickly and efficiently resolve this issue.

We have also provided some best practices for avoiding this error in the first place, including keeping your VirtualBox software up to date, maintaining your system hardware and drivers, and troubleshooting other common VirtualBox issues.

By following these tips and taking a proactive approach to maintaining your virtualization environment, you can ensure that you have a smooth and reliable experience with VirtualBox. Don’t hesitate to seek help from the VirtualBox community or support team if you need further assistance.

By Brandon S. Lee

Hi, My name Brandon S.Lee and I am a professional Gamer, I also worked with the keyboard making company called Logitech. I was the quality check manager of the Logitech keyboard department. Here we have a team of people who researched on the keyboards, talked with keyboard users and analyzes the user reviews and then write the product reviews.

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